Friday, December 12, 2008



With the general trend of global warming which has lead to increasing sea level rise, the negative impacts for estuaries & the people living in close proximity have become clear. The subject material, however, highlights the beneficial aspects these changes may bring about. The possibility of harnessing increased tidal range as a renewable energy source is worth researching & modelling in detail. Opportunities also exist for agriculture & aquaculture, as well as economic benefits of safer navigable passages. A greater understanding of estuaries as an ecosystem may lead to the realisation of more benefits, which can be utilised in the future.


In the last century there has been a trend of Overall global warming, this has reached a peak in recent decades & is currently increasing rapidly. There are many views as to what causes this warming, including Milankovitch variables & anthropogenic influences. As global warming continues so eustatic sea level rises through both increased volume of water as the ice sheets melt, & through thermal expansion. Estuaries are extremely sensitive to changes in sea level as this can drastically alter the dynamic balance, which is tentatively retained; though estuaries never achieve equilibrium. Once initiated global warmnig shows a positive feedback & thus cannot be reversed, therefore it is important to realise the benefits of inundation for estuaries.


As the sea level rises estuaries will widen & deepen & tidal penetration upstream will be extended.Global warming leads to a more dynamic atmosphere with an increase in the amount of water vapour circulating within the hydrologic cycle. Schnieder & Rosenburg (1989) predict an increase in average global precipitation of 7- 15% with a 5-10% increase in evapotranspiration. A warmer atmosphere produces a warmer hydrosphere, causing thermal expansion of the ocean’s surface layer, which accounts for the greatest proportion of sea level rise. An increase of 1°C throughout the depth of the ocean would cause a sea level rise of ∼1m. In the tropics it is predicted that the top 100m would expand by 10cm. Estuaries are more common during sea level high stands, ‘If sea level rises, estuaries will start to form in the upper valleys of present day rivers’ Dyer (1998).

Despite the obvious adverse effects for the human population of a sea level rise, over two billion people living on the edge of estuaries, it is important to look at the benefits for the estuaries & the marine life involved. In the Clyde estuary spring tides & strong westerly winds can cause water levels up to 5m higher than normal high tide water level. The estuary is seen to widen & deepen increasing in size by800 Ha with sea water penetrating further upstream. This can be used to indicate what would happen in a sea level highstand.

The Bay of Fundy provides an historic record of similar events. In the past three thousand years mean high water level has risen by approximately 7.5m. During rapid incursion the higher salt marsh species, (mainly Scirpus maritimus, Spartina patens) were replaced by low marsh species (mostly Spartina alterniflora). In slower periods oftransgression the higher salt marsh species returned. Sediment underlying the marsh is 98% inorganic, past accretion having dependedon an offshore external sediment supply. Assuming is still available there is no reason that the salt marshes in the Bay of Fundy should not be able to maintain themselves throughout another accelerated sea level rise. Raised beaches, fossil cliff lines & wave cut platforms are other evidence of previous sea level rises. Indeed in tropical ecosystems reefs require a warm climate so warmer temperature means more reefs so more lagoon estuaries. Sea level may have been up to 35m higher during some parts of the Pleistocene, Goudie (1990). These examples show that estuaries have previously recovered to their present form following transgression. Regionally the greatest increases in sea level occur at low latitudes with increases of 30cm recorded & smaller rises of 10-17cm for mid latitudes.

Thus latitudinal position is important, estuaries between 20°N & 20°S most affected by sea level rises. Effects also depend on individual estuaries, their shape, size, the geology of the drainage basin feeding the estuary & its sediment supply. The use of the land adjacent & the anthropogenic uses of the estuary are all critical factors.


An eustatic sea level rise would lead to the widening & deepening of the channels of most estuaries; this may regenerate those which have shallowed due to increased sedimentation of anthropogenic origin. This is not only beneficial to safer navigation, but in commercial waterways deep channels are needed to maintain the thoroughfare of increasingly large vessels into harbours thus boosting the local economy. Less dredging would be needed & this would protect the benthos allowing them to recover from previous episodes of waterway maintenance. Penetration of the seawater further inland will lead to salinisation of fresh water habitats, inter-tidal mud flats would be drier for shorter periods at low tide & vegetation fringing the edges of the estuary would change to more salt tolerant species benefiting the xerohytic species.

Estuaries are predicted to adapt, sediments from fresh water tributaries compensating for the increased water in the hydrologic cycle, through greater sedimentation from increased surface runoff. Thus sand & mud deposits may grow compatibly with sea level rise at the edges of the estuary, preserving the mud banks & natural wave defences may maintain themselves, retaining safe havens & feeding areas for seabirds. In salt marshes on the East Coast of America sedimentation has kept up with sea level rise due to the trapping of sediment by vegetation during periods of flooding. The flooding of land close to the estuary during the wet months may replenish nutrients stripped from the soil by intensive agriculture. Aquaculture may also flourish in the shallow environments created at the edges of the estuary; kelp farms could possibly be set up. The harnessing of tidal power is also an option. Estuaries are high-energy environments, large volumes of water passing through narrow channels creating high current velocities. Barrages are often coupled with the disadvantage of reduced tidal range, but in a sea level highstand this could be used to stabilise the increased tidal range allowing the estuary to adapt at its slower pace. Because the estuary is deeper the problem of increased sedimentation caused by the barrage may not pose such a problem. This is a clean way of producing power & may reduce the pollution of the estuary previously caused by other power sources. La Rance tidal power station in Northern France is an example of this.


Evidence of past sea level high stands is abundant in the geological record, unpublished research from Chick, (1999), shows pollen samples, dendrochronology, drift, & ratios which support this. Inundation & irrational flooding of estuarine areas may deter people from living too close thus reducing anthropogenic harm to the area. This has made humans more aware of estuaries, leading to greater research concerning their conservation, which can only be a good thing. The environmental pressure on organisms may serve to promote evolution, inhibited by environmental equilibrium, also allowing opportunistic species to flourish. Indeed secondary effects of climate changes in such disturbance regimes favour some species over others & merely lead to a change in the species composition of ecosystems. Increased CO2 rates due to global warming may increase the productivity & efficiency of water use in some plant species.

The controlled flooding of an area could serve as a test to see whether species will migrate, as well as the manual movement of such species to check resilience & resistance. This would enable us to gather more information as to the likely consequences of sea level rise in an estuary. The awareness of our own fallibility may serve to better educate us to the needs of the surrounding environment. Most negative affects of a rise in sea level are from a human viewpoint. The acceptance of a sea level rise may be our only option. Stone, (1974) suggests that natural landscapes should have legal rights. Concrete sea defences hinder the natural migration of species away from the rising water. A balance of the economic costs of development against the ecological affects to a coastal ecosystem home to plants & creatures other than mankind should be struck.


The issue of global warming has been one of media interest & scientific enigma for many years. Much has been made of the negative impacts of this phenomenon to our planet, but little has been said of the positive impacts. In terms of estuaries these can be categorised into the following fields. Primarily the harnessing of tidal power as a renewable energy source may reduce the need for other forms of power which have detrimental effects on the environment, as well as stabilise an increasing tidal range, allowing more time for adaptation in the estuary.

A sea level rise will widen & deepen estuaries benefiting navigation hence boosting local economy. Agriculture & aquaculture could also benefit from the creation of new habitats & deposition of nutrients through flooding. Increased sedimentation could aid in retaining their ecosystem with the rising sea level, thus preserving many habitats & acting as a natural coastal defence. Possibly the most important influence of global warming on estuaries for the future is the research it has provoked into this ecosystem. A further understanding of the impacts of a global warming on estuaries will enable more effective conservation in the future & the realisation of the importance of such habitats.

Global Warming Frozen In Bad Data

Environmental extremists and global warming alarmists are in denial and running for cover. Their rationale for continuing a lost cause is that weather events in the short term are not necessarily related to long-term climatic trends. But these are the same people who screamed at us each year that ordinary weather events such as high temperatures or hurricanes were undeniable evidence of imminent doom.

Now that global warming is over, politicians are finally ready to enact dubious solutions to a non-existent problem. In Britain, Parliament is intrepidly forging ahead with a bold new plan to cool the climate, even as London experienced its first October snowfall since 1934 and Ireland went through the coldest October in the last 70 years.

This is an absurd spectacle. Our advanced civilization is being systematically mismanaged by technologically illiterate lawyers responding to political pressures from irrational fanatics. Would someone please tell these people it is impossible to overturn the laws of thermodynamics?

We cannot improve our economy by artificially forcing people to use expensive, unreliable and inefficient energy sources.

From the U.S. Senate committee on Environment:

"I am a skeptic...Global warming has become a new religion." - Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, Ivar Giaever.

"Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly....As a scientist I remain skeptical." - Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a PhD in meteorology and formerly of NASA who has authored more than 190 studies and has been called "among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years."

Warming fears are the "worst scientific scandal in the history...When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists." - UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist.

"The IPCC has actually become a closed circuit; it doesn't listen to others. It doesn't have open minds... I am really amazed that the Nobel Peace Prize has been given on scientifically incorrect conclusions by people who are not geologists," - Indian geologist Dr. Arun D. Ahluwalia at Punjab University and a board member of the UN-supported International Year of the Planet.

"The models and forecasts of the UN IPCC "are incorrect because they only are based on mathematical models and presented results at scenarios that do not include, for example, solar activity." - Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera, a researcher at the Institute of Geophysics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico

"It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of scientists who don't buy into anthropogenic global warming." - U.S Government Atmospheric Scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of NOAA.

"Even doubling or tripling the amount of carbon dioxide will virtually have little impact, as water vapour and water condensed on particles as clouds dominate the worldwide scene and always will." - . Geoffrey G. Duffy, a professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering of the University of Auckland, NZ.

"After reading [UN IPCC chairman] Pachauri's asinine comment [comparing skeptics to] Flat Earthers, it's hard to remain quiet." - Climate statistician Dr. William M. Briggs, who specializes in the statistics of forecast evaluation, serves on the American Meteorological Society's Probability and Statistics Committee and is an Associate Editor of Monthly Weather Review.

"For how many years must the planet cool before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming? For how many years must cooling go on?" - Geologist Dr. David Gee the chairman of the science committee of the 2008 International Geological Congress who has authored 130 plus peer reviewed papers, and is currently at Uppsala University in Sweden.

"Gore prompted me to start delving into the science again and I quickly found myself solidly in the skeptic camp...Climate models can at best be useful for explaining climate changes after the fact." - Meteorologist Hajo Smit of Holland, who reversed his belief in man-made warming to become a skeptic, is a former member of the Dutch UN IPCC committee.

"Many [scientists] are now searching for a way to back out quietly (from promoting warming fears), without having their professional careers ruined." - Atmospheric physicist James A. Peden, formerly of the Space Research and Coordination Center in Pittsburgh.

"Creating an ideology pegged to carbon dioxide is a dangerous nonsense...The present alarm on climate change is an instrument of social control, a pretext for major businesses and political battle. It became an ideology, which is concerning." - Environmental Scientist Professor Delgado Domingos of Portugal, the founder of the Numerical Weather Forecast group, has more than 150 published articles.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

great global warming swindle

Over the years, the “great global warming swindle” has cost us the tax payers millions of dollars, money that is spent on something that doesn’t exist. Global Warming!

Al Gore has pushed the Global Warming Hoax like it was the God Forsaken truth, which it isn’t. It is just a vehicle for the Global Warming fanatics to fleece the people with new regulations that will not do one thing to fix what they feel is the problem, while only stealing the hard earned cash of the public. You see folks, man made Global Warming doesn’t exist. Sure, the globe warms, but it also cools too.

Global warming and cooling is cyclical and has repeated itself over and over again since the beginning of time. Long before man had any effect on the climate. Now, I am not saying that we shouldn’t take care of the earth, because we should, but to force people to pay millions of dollars for “green” stuff that doesn’t do anything to stop Global Warming is theft at the highest level. And the government condones this.

The latest about Global Warming is a Scientist who is dismayed about it. Here is the story I found earlier about what this scientist has to say:

POZNAN, Poland (AFP) – The head of the world’s top climate scientists says he is stunned at the trillion-dollar checks that have been signed to ease the banking crisis when funding for poverty and global warming is scrutinized or denied.
In an interview on the sidelines of the UN climate talks here, Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the Nobel-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said he was both astonished and dismayed at the imbalance.
“It seems very strange, what has happened in the past two or three months,” he told AFP.
“It defies any kind of logic, if you look at the type of money that the world has spent on these bailouts, 2.7 trillion dollars (2.13 trillion euros) is the estimate, and it’s been done so quickly and without questioning.”
Pachauri recalled that when the Millennium Development Goals for attacking poverty and sickness were being drawn up, a panel chaired by Ernesto Zedillo, the former president of Mexico, suggested “a fairly modest estimate” of 50 billion dollars a year in help for poor countries.
“But everyone scoffed at it. Nobody did a damn thing,” Pachauri said in the interview on Monday.
“(Yet) here, you’ve got agencies, you’ve got organizations that are not only responsible for their own failure but the failure of the entire economic system, and they get checks worth 2.7 trillion dollars. I find this amazing… What can you say, what can you do?”
Pachauri suggested that this two-sided story illustrated a “distortion” in the economic system.
Carbon emissions — the fossil-fuel pollution that stokes climate change — were another example, whereby the true cost of using or abusing natural resources was not factored in to calculations, he said.
“Once the dust settles and we know the direction the world is going to move in, I think there will be a very deep and major reappraisal of the way we’ve been growing economically,” said Pachauri.
“I think we will have a major spring cleaning of the economic system…. I believe that you will get a shift towards much more efficient use of natural resources, much more efficient use of energy, and certainly doing away with a lot of waste.”
The December 1-12 talks in Poznan, taking place under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are intended to serve as a springboard to an ambitious new treaty to slash emissions of greenhouse gases beyond 2012.

The deal is scheduled to be completed in Copenhagen in December 2009.

Pachauri, who also made a speech to the conference, pointed to the latest scientific evidence on climate change, put forward last year in the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report — a landmark document that helped earn the panel the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize alongside Al Gore.
Only seven years are left, warned Pachauri, for global emissions of greenhouse gases to peak and then start declining, in order to stem warming to around two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) over pre-industrial levels.
Tackling the problem would cost less than three percent of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2030, a fleabite when compared to the bill that would come from drought, flood, rising sea levels and storms, he said.
Pachauri added that he was pressing for a meeting with US President-elect Barack Obama to drive home his message.
“If I can get 10 minutes with him, that’s all I’ll need,” he said.

Over the years, he is not the only scientist to debunk the Global Warming theory. And after all, that is all it is. A Theory. The problem with this whole thing is, people like Al Gore continue to spew the untruth of it, even though the earth hasn’t warmed any since the turn of the century, and actually since 1999!

And, it seems that I hear more about how Global Warming is going to kill us if we don’t do something about it, after the Coldest November that anyone here in Indiana can remember! Are we kidding ourselves by letting our pockets be picked clean by these Climate Change vultures who couldn’t tell a climate change from a forest fire if they were trapped in it? And most who fall into this crap about saving the planet from Global Warming want all of us to go without, while they fly around the world in private jets, and have homes that use 100’s of times more carbon fuel than any of us have. Yet we are the ones that have to cut back. Why is that, if they so think that mankind is the evil of this planet? Why don’t they have to cut back? I say the reason is, is because people like Al Gore loves the money he makes from this, and he also knows that we are not doing anything to destroy the atmosphere of this planet. Everything is cyclical, and they know it. But admitting to that will get rid of their little cash cow, so to speak. But, we cannot expect them to admit to being wrong, so I guess, that we will just have to put up with the crap that they constantly hand out to us, and make us pay for. Maybe someday someone will stand up and say “This is enough. We are not stupid, like you think we are. This bull has to stop.” Hey, someone just did. Hope they listen……..but they probably won’t….as usual.

Kontribusi Gas Rumah Kaca pada Pemanasan Global

Gas rumah kaca disebut sebagai pemicu pemanasan global. Apa itu sesungguhnya gas rumah kaca? Mengapa kaca punya kontribusi dalam hal ini? Lantas apa hubungannya dengan gas CO2? Tidak ada kata terlambat untuk menyadari proses pemanasan global dan bahayanya.

Sesungguhnya kaca merupakan sebuah penemuan yang luar biasa. Sanggup memisahkan suasana nyaman di dalam dari hawa yang kejam di luar, sekaligus membuat orang bisa melihat pemandangan luar rumah. Bayangkan seandainya kaca belum ditemukan, dan penutup jendela masih dari kayu atau lempengan logam. Namun demikian di samping jasanya itu, ada lagi sifat kaca yang berhubungan dengan gelombang lain.

Keluarga Besar

Cahaya tampak, yang memungkinkan kita menikmati tamasya warna, hanyalah salah satu anggota dari keluarga besar gelombang elektromagnetik. Saudara-saudara dalam keluarga besar ini dibedakan atas panjang gelombangnya. Terhitung sulung adalah gelombang radio, yang panjang gelombangnya beberapa meter hingga lebih dari ratusan meter. Cahaya tampak menjadi salah satu adiknya, dengan panjang gelombang kurang dari 0,7 mikrometer (1 mikrometer = 0,001 mm). Saudara dekat cahaya tampak bernama infra merah, yang bersebelahan dengan warna merah dari cahaya tampak.

Setiap anggota keluarga mempunyai sifat dan kemampuannya sendiri. Gelombang radio menyampaikan siaran berita dan musik, pancaran infra merah menyampaikan panas. Gelombang radio berasal dari antena pemancar, infra merah bersumber pada benda panas. Lalu sedikitnya ada dua perbedaan antara pancaran infra merah dan cahaya tampak. Pertama, infra merah bersifat tidak terlihat. Kedua, infra merah tidak mampu menembus kaca.

Dengan demikian hanya terang cahaya matahari yang dapat memasuki ruang depan rumah dengan menerobos kaca jendela. Energi yang dibawa cahaya akan mengenai lantai, kursi, meja, dan perabot lain. Lama kelamaan oleh energi tersebut, benda-benda menjadi panas, dan pada gilirannya mengeluarkan infra merah. Tetapi pancaran infra merah akan dibendung oleh kaca, gagal untuk keluar, menjadikan ruangan semakin panas.

Gejala ini dimanfaatkan di negara dingin ketika udara yang beku tidak membolehkan tumbuhnya sayuran yang sangat dibutuhkan. Dibuatlah bangunan yang seluruh dinding dan atapnya dari kaca. Maka gejala yang menghinggapi ruang depan rumah tadi terulang di sini. Hawa di dalam menjadi cukup hangat bagi tanaman seperti tomat, ketimun, meskipun mungkin salju bertebaran di luar. Bangunan ini dikenal sebagai “rumah kaca”.

Di pihak lain, di daerah panas seperti Jakarta, bangunan yang banyak menggunakan kaca merupakan sarana yang ampuh untuk menyiksa manusia di dalamnya atau memboroskan energi penyejuk udara.


Pernahkah berada di sebelah nyala lampu pijar 100 watt? Hangat? Panas? Di siang hari Indonesia, energi dari matahari yang jatuh pada tiap meter persegi tanah bisa mencapai enam kali harga itu. Tentu sudah akrab kita dengan rasa teriknya. Lalu apakah dengan demikian bumi menjadi semakin panas?

Jangan kuatir. Jika penghuni rumah merasa beruntung dengan penemuan kaca, penghuni dunia patut berterima kasih karena gas nitrogen dan gas oksigen dalam atmosfir kita bersifat transparan, baik untuk cahaya tampak maupun untuk pancaran infra merah.

Dengan demikian ketika bumi dan segala benda di permukaannya dipanaskan oleh matahari, infra merah yang terbit dari benda-benda dapat bebas terbang ke angkasa. Pergi membawa serta panas yang membuat gerah. Suhu permukaan bumi pun tidak bakal naik secara drastis, keseimbangan tercapai, dan kehidupan berlangsung nyaman.

Tetapi sayang, ada jenis-jenis gas yang menghambat infra merah. Yang populer ialah karbon dioksida (CO2), keluar antara lain sebagai sisa pembakaran dari mesin mobil dan cerobong pabrik. Tatkala industri dan jumlah mobil meningkat, bertambah pula gas penghambat infra merah dalam atmosfir. Terbentuklah semacam selimut, yang membuat naiknya suhu permukaan bumi. Orang menyebutnya “efek rumah kaca”, mengacu pada gejala dalam bangunan kaca seperti dijelaskan sebelumnya. Contoh gas rumah kaca yang lain ialah metan (CH4) dan dinitro oksida (N2O).

Betapa nyaman sebenarnya bumi hasil rancangan yang asli, dapat diketahui dengan menengok dua planet tetangga, Venus dan Mars. Di samping lebih dekat ke matahari, Venus mempunyai atmosfir dengan CO2 yang jauh lebih banyak dari pada bumi. Akibatnya permukaan planet bersuhu di sekitar 462°C, lebih panas dari pada oven di dapur. Mars lebih jauh dari matahari dibandingkan bumi, dan jumlah (massa) CO2 disana sangat rendah. Ini membuat suhu permukaan Mars rata-rata 53°C di bawah nol.

Bukan hanya gerahnya udara bumi yang dikuatirkan. Naiknya suhu berarti mencairnya banyak es di daerah kutub. Dan karena dengan berat yang sama, volume air lebih besar dari pada volume es, melelehnya banyak es berarti meningkatnya permukaan laut. Tidak masalah jika kenaikan muka laut hanya belasan sentimeter. Tetapi jika sudah belasan meter atau lebih, akan banyak kota pantai yang terhapus dari peta dunia.

Sementara itu yang namanya cuaca rumitnya bukan main, segudang faktor bermain di situ, seperti jumlah pancaran matahari, kandungan uap air di udara, luas hutan maupun permukaan air, dan lain sebagainya. Musim berlangsung mulus jika tercapai keserasian di antara berbagai faktor tadi. Sebaliknya, kenaikan suhu karena CO2 pasti akan mengganggu keseimbangan, dan dapat melahirkan cuaca yang berkarakter aneh. Hujan terus menerus di musim kering, misalnya. Apabila cuaca yang abnormal berlangsung terus, akibatnya sungguh serius. Tidak saja kemungkinan badai atau banjir, tetapi juga gagal panen, berjangkitnya hama akibat gangguan pada siklus kehidupan binatang penyebabnya, kekeringan luar biasa yang menyurutkan cadangan air tawar, dan sebagainya.

Dewasa ini pemerintah sejumlah negara, badan internasional, para ilmuwan, LSM, mencurahkan pikiran dan perhatian untuk mencegah terjadinya bencana yang dikenal sebagai pemanasan global. Salah satu usaha yang dilakukan ialah mengurangi emisi CO2 ke udara, antara lain lewat kesepakatan yang disebut Protokol Kyoto. Dikerahkan juga akal untuk mencari proses industri, cara pembangkitan energi, produksi kendaraan dan mesin yang kurang mengeluarkan karbon dioksida.

Tentu khalayak ramai diharapkan semakin menyadari persoalan yang ada, dan beramai-ramai ikut berupaya menyelamatkan bumi.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

25 Easy Tips to Decrease Global Warming This Winter

Whether we like it or not, winter is upon us, especially in the Midwest. Along with the winter breezes and snow, higher electricity bills will inflate conjointly with hazardous Co2. Before autumn ends and winter begins, it is time to turn "Green" and turn your house into an eco-friendly environment.

1. Purchase draft protectors for doors and windows. There are many different types of winter protection such as long cotton looking snakes that are filled with snakes or beans. You place these cotton snakes in front of your door or window to prevent the winter chill from coming into your house. Some eco-friendly people also like to place blankets over windows that are not in use to save heat from going out.

2. Purchase a water heater blanket. These are insulated heater blankets that now come in eco-friendly materials that are placed over your water heater to keep it from getting too cold. The blanket will keep the water heater from having to turn on frequently to reheat the water inside.

3. Place a blanket or winter protector plastic sheet over all animal flaps to the yard. These flaps are usually on your back door to allow your animal to access the backyard when you are at work or at play.

4. Cold proof your mailbox flap if it goes into your house. We have a 70 year old house with a mailbox drop box that drops mail from the outside wall to indoors. Air comes in though so it is wise if you place a thick piece of 100% cotton over the flap to assure no cold air goes out.

5. Stuff your freezers - the more the food in the freezer the longer it stays cold. If you purchase things in bulk, you are doing two good duties at once.

6. Change your current light bulbs to energy saving light bulbs. These can be purchased almost anywhere today and are usually cheaper than the traditional light bulbs.

7. Take showers instead of baths. Baths take up too much hot water and electricity.

8. Try to stay away from that car. If you have to drive to work, try to carpool. Or resort to public transportation if it is available in your area.

9. Purchase cold washing detergent for your washing machine. It is just as effective and reduces the hot water energy that is wasted. I like to use Ecover laundry detergent that works great with no hot water!

10. Purchase from local stores instead of ordering all your food online. Ordering food items or gifts online however the items must go through a ton of transportation methods just to get to your house.

11. Fly less this winter. Airplanes emit a lot of CO2 just with one flight, even more in the winter months when people have heavier bags.

12. Remember to turn off your lights during the daytime or when you leave the room.

13. Remember to unplug electronics that are not in use. For example, try unplugging your battery charger for your cell phone or ipod after each usage. It does not need to be eating electricity when you are not using it. In addition, watch your cell phone so when it is finished charging, unplug it and then unplug the charger.

14. Turn down your heating a few degrees during the cold months to save money. In addition turn down the heat while you are not home during the daytime. This is also a great way to get comfy on the couch with your loved one.

15. Turn off electronic items such as your computer - do not allow it to go in Standby mode. This also goes for items such as your coffe maker, razor, toaster oven, video games and so on. If it is plugged in, it is using electricity.

16. If you must drive, remember to always pump up your tires to the accurate level to assure you are getting the best mileage as possible. This will also help out on high gasoline prices in America.

17. Try not to speed and drive sensibly. Reckless driving can use up more gasoline and CO2 will increase with abrupt stops and slamming on the gasoline to get going.

18. Do not take large loads while driving, especially during the holiday season. The more weight that is in the car, the more gasoline being used and CO2 is poisoning the air.

19. Take the stairs at work instead of the elevator. This will also help you warm up on those cold days.

20. Try to use only recyclable or reusable drinking cups instead of plastic cups. This especially goes for hot chocolate, coffe and tea that are purchased in coffe houses. Most coffe houses have reusable containers for a minimal amount and can be used numerous times. This allows you to still get warm drinks on cold days but saves how much trash is going into the landfills.

21. Urge your office manager to turn off the lights when leaving the building and turning down the heat. Many stores and office buildings waste tons of electricity each day when no one is even in the building.

22. If possible, try to find an energy source that uses solar panels or wind energy. Solar panels can also be used on your house roof in sunny locations.

23. Purchase 100% cotton winter hats, scarves and gloves instead of synthetic ones.

24. Try to purchase outdoor lights that are solar instead of electrical this winter. It may be dark but the solar, eco-friendly lights are just as efficient.

25. Close your shades or other window treatments to keep warm air in during those cold days and nights.

Making a little change in your daily life this winter will keep your bills down and will also help out with lowering CO2 levels in the atmosphere. If everyone just does a few things off this list, the earth will be in a better place for us and for our children's future.